The Jade Dragon Mountain From Lijiang

Ljiang Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Naxi peoples is a sacred mountain in mind, the protection of the Naxi God "three" is the embodiment of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang has also held the annual grand "three sections." Mu Tang Nanzhao find different era, Nanzhao find the main differences Mou Yue Feng worship Hill, Yulong Snow Mountain has been closed for the Bukak gift has Baisha village north guanyuemiao surviving, still deep courtyard, the Buddha's brilliance. Pilgrims worship the mountain without a break in transit. Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan to Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain has been closed for the "Story Snow Stone North Yuean Bang emperor" has Baisha village north guanyuemiao surviving, still deep courtyard, the Buddha's brilliance. Pilgrims worship the mountain without a break in transit. Yulong Snow Mountain landscape by virtue of their charming, mysterious legends and no one has yet to conquer the virgin peak and fascinated.

In 1988, the Yulong Snow Mountain to the cloud Nan Li Jiang Yulong Snow Mountain Scenic Area in the name of the State Council approved the inclusion of the second batch of state-level scenic spots list. May 8, 2007, Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain Scenic formally approved by the China National Tourism Administration for the state 5A-class tourist attractions. Xue-Hai is a large area of excellent natural ski slopes. Experts study demonstrated that: here is the world's longest ski slope, is the warmest ski. For the convenience of tourists here also has China's highest tourist passenger ropeway. By convenient facilities can take you into the magical world.